Popular Clues with the letter M

Listed below you will find a selection of the most popular and frequently asked clues, starting with the letter M.
We keep these lists up to date with the most requested clues from the last 30 days. Click on the clue to see the most relevant answers.

Meteorological term (22x)
Muckle (13x)
Move (11x)
Maintain (10x)
Make legal (10x)
Mollify (9x)
Mite (9x)
Mountain in Europe (9x)
Musical instrument (8x)
Musical composition (8x)
Mediocre (8x)
Moor (8x)
Mala (7x)
More (7x)
Much (7x)
Mind (7x)
Mean (7x)
Mountain in Asia (7x)
Mushroom (7x)
Muse (7x)
Mist (7x)
Mesh (7x)
Meal (7x)
Mock (7x)
Mine shaft (6x)
Monster (6x)
Melt (6x)
Moderate (6x)
Megaphone (6x)
Mexican cuisine (6x)
Match (6x)
Menu (6x)
Metal worker (6x)
Mild (6x)
Many (6x)
Minced oath (6x)
Middle (6x)
Main (6x)
Mass (6x)
Management (6x)
Muff (6x)
Most (6x)
Most frequent or common (6x)
Miss (6x)
Mutt (6x)
Mouthful (6x)
Mint (6x)
Mere (6x)
Mother (6x)
Mini (5x)
Metallic yarn (4x)
Marathoner (4x)
Mediterranean gulf (4x)
Mating season outbreak (4x)
Make impure (4x)
Mine (4x)
Mvp slugger of 1998 (4x)
Monocot genus (4x)
Mansion (4x)
Move more goods than (4x)
Make quick, light cuts (4x)
Maori dance (4x)
Major Italian brand (4x)
Major Iraqi river (4x)
Metal (4x)
Munster Mrs (4x)
Minnesota county or lake (4x)
Manager (4x)
Military unit (4x)
Motley (4x)
Money (4x)
Missive (4x)
Mansi (4x)
Mush (4x)
Magazine (4x)
Maraud (4x)
Marked by blotches (4x)
Movement (4x)
Make turbid (4x)
Minimal (4x)
Mogul ruler (4x)
Mischievous (4x)
Male (4x)
Muscle (4x)
Middle Eastern cuisine (4x)
Messiah chorus (4x)
Michigan neighbor (4x)
Music genre (4x)
Misdeed (4x)
Mast (4x)
Monty Python alum John (4x)
Milk (4x)
Mimer (4x)
Moll (4x)
Matchless (4x)
Make progress (4x)
Meditative art (4x)
More than necessary (4x)
Man (4x)
Montaigne work (4x)
Mythical bird (4x)
Make (4x)
Moving (4x)
Mines (4x)
M-16 (4x)
Move furtively (4x)
Mythical flame source (4x)
Master (4x)
Monotonous speech (4x)
Map (4x)
Make unavoidable (4x)
Moroccan coastal area (3x)
Make crazy (3x)
Marine barkers (3x)
Mentors (3x)
Most ostentatious (3x)
Medical device (3x)
Marine turtle (3x)
Merchandise (3x)
Mode (3x)
Madrid-to-Athens dir (3x)
Musical parts (3x)
Moses in Egypt composer (3x)
Magazine for young women (3x)
Middle, in combinations (3x)
Mascagni or Leoncavallo (3x)
Mite that might blight (3x)
Magnitude (3x)
Military branch (3x)
Mississippi city (3x)
Motion picture (3x)
Muenster man (3x)
Maxwell of Bond films (3x)
Make a few calls (3x)
March 17 honoree (short) (3x)
Mule of old song (3x)
Munich (3x)
Malodorous (3x)
Mummer (3x)
Metallic element (3x)
Mailroom desk accessory (3x)
Moreover (3x)
Music festival in Texas (3x)
Mariposa lilies (3x)
Month (3x)
Melee (3x)
Merit (3x)
Magic 8 Ball, some hope (3x)
Medium contact (3x)
Mount Parnassus prophet (3x)