Popular Clues with the letter K

Listed below you will find a selection of the most popular and frequently asked clues, starting with the letter K.
We keep these lists up to date with the most requested clues from the last 30 days. Click on the clue to see the most relevant answers.

Kvetch (73x)
Kudos (22x)
Kitchen utensils (11x)
Korean cuisine (9x)
Kitchen device (8x)
Keen (8x)
Kitchen utensil (7x)
Knot (7x)
Keep (6x)
Kali (6x)
Knob (6x)
Kanten (6x)
Khan (6x)
Kept (4x)
Kern (4x)
Know (4x)
Kite (4x)
Knight work (4x)
Kate Bush song (4x)
Knows of (4x)
Kelp (4x)
Kindness (4x)
King of hearts feature (4x)
Kin of the Missouri (3x)
Karenina and pavlova (3x)
Kills, in government (3x)
Kept going and going (3x)
Kind of pine (3x)
Kerr-McGee Corp. hdqrs (3x)
Kitchen hanger (3x)
Kirghizian peaks (3x)
Kickoff object (3x)
Killed (slang) (3x)
Kin of saxhorns (3x)
Kick (3x)
Kine (3x)
Keys (3x)
Keep from practicing (3x)
Koa customer (3x)
Knockout of a sort (3x)
King in the gospels (3x)
Kill (3x)
Keen observation (3x)
Knit (3x)
Knitted shoulder scarfs (3x)
Kingsley or Gazzara (3x)
Kind (3x)
Kneecap (3x)
Kitten (3x)
Keystone Kops and others (3x)
King of Argos (3x)
Knight (3x)
Kilt (3x)
Kind of sausage (2x)
Kotex product (2x)
Kick-free cupfuls (2x)
Kills, as a beast (2x)
Killed violently (2x)
King of Spain, 1700-46 (2x)
Keynote precursor (2x)
Keep from overflowing (2x)
Keeper (2x)
King Kong star Fay (2x)
KC summer hrs (2x)
Knickknacks (2x)
Kachina doll carver (2x)
Kill off (2x)
Kauai bye-bye (2x)
Kin of calypso music (2x)
King of tv, and others (2x)
Kelvinator competitor (2x)
Kidman, notably (2x)
Kind of wave or basin (2x)
Kaolin (2x)
Kidney or liver (2x)
Kon-tiki museum site (2x)
Kon-Tiki raft material (2x)
Kind of belt (2x)
Knife-and-fork man (2x)
Kind of jet (2x)
Kind of slipper or maid (2x)
Kismet star Howard (2x)
Kennel club requirement (2x)
Kike (2x)
Knish noshery (2x)
Kind of mean (2x)
Knighted actor (2x)
Kimmel competitor (2x)
Keyboard instruments (2x)
Key watergate figure sam (2x)
Kind of goat (2x)
Kind of will (2x)
Koko Head island (2x)
Kiddie-lit brutes (2x)
Keeper of the flame (2x)
Kind of course (2x)
Kennel collection (2x)
Kernel (2x)
Kept entertained (2x)
King in France (2x)
Kimono adornment (2x)
Knack for discovery (2x)
Keyboard key notation (2x)
Kind of vehicle or room (2x)
Keg spigot (2x)
Keith Anderson song (2x)
Kimono closers (2x)
King of the Bs Roger (2x)
King of Egyptian gods (2x)
Knife (2x)
Kitty (2x)
KT Oslin song (2x)
Knockout (2x)
Kodak alternative (2x)
Kon-Tiki and otheers (2x)
Kind of blue suit (2x)
Kimono or cassock (2x)
Kibitz, in a way (2x)
Kentucky Derby chief (2x)
Knotty bowl in mahogany (2x)
Kathy Linden song (2x)
Keats products (2x)
Knacks (2x)
Khoisan language (2x)
Knightly daring (2x)
Kodak inventor (2x)
Karelian language (2x)
Keeping quiet (2x)
Kournikova or Karenina (2x)
Kaleidoscopic displays (2x)
Korean boy and girl name (2x)
Keel (2x)
Kota (2x)
Keys with 15 Grammys (2x)
King: Persian (2x)
Kisses may break them (2x)
Kept tabs on from behind (2x)
Kebab skewer (2x)
Knave of clubs (2x)
Kingston and others (2x)
Khmer language (2x)
Kettledrums: Var (2x)
Keeps the neighbors out (2x)
Knossos (2x)
Kurdish relative (2x)
Kareem, as a youngster (2x)
Korean porridge (2x)
Kittery locale (2x)
Kabuki costume adornment (2x)
Kon-Tiki Museum city (2x)
Kitchen utensil brand (2x)
Kelp and others (2x)
Kurt Weill wrote this (2x)
Kenalog (2x)
Krakow (2x)
Kennedy visitants (2x)
Key material, once (2x)
Kitakyushu cartoons (2x)
Koreans and Japanese (2x)
Keyboard key above ~ (2x)
Knowingly, in law (2x)
Kia minivans (2x)
Kettle (2x)
Kinnear of Invincible (2x)
Kid-gloves treatment (2x)
Kitchen sink ingredient (2x)
Keep away, as mosquitoes (2x)
Kindled (2x)
Knotted sash (2x)
Kiangs (2x)
Kipling story locale (2x)
Keenness (2x)
King Oliver group (2x)
Kerguelen fixed station (2x)
Kampala native (2x)
Kendrick and Quindlen (2x)
Kentucky Derby garland (2x)
Keaton-garr film (2x)
Kind of sax or singer (2x)
Keats or Yeats offerings (2x)
Kind of aircraft engine (2x)
Keep a low profile (2x)
Kamchatka denizen (2x)
Kind of antelope (2x)
Keeps from drying out (2x)
Kind of geometry (2x)
Keep company with (2x)
Kind of office (2x)
Kick back and relax (2x)
Kind of tide (2x)
Keys with a diary album (2x)
Kayak, feminine style (2x)
Kodak camera of 1900 (2x)
Kuwaiti monetary unit (2x)
Kind of cake (2x)
Kesey and follett (2x)
Kon-tiki museum setting (2x)
Kuwaiti leaders: Var (2x)
Knoxville writer (2x)