Popular Clues with the letter H

Listed below you will find a selection of the most popular and frequently asked clues, starting with the letter H.
We keep these lists up to date with the most requested clues from the last 30 days. Click on the clue to see the most relevant answers.

Heel (3x)
He speaks: Lat. (abbr.) (3x)
Hums (3x)
Hart of broadway (3x)
Headlong rush of cattle (3x)
Hot and shivery (3x)
Hardness (3x)
Having the most mass (3x)
Hightail it out of here! (3x)
Here (3x)
Having the fewest rules (3x)
Hinting at (3x)
Heighten (3x)
Hardly adequate (3x)
Half (3x)
Hunted (3x)
House call, of a sort (3x)
Hollow (3x)
Hung (3x)
Hotel guest qtrs (3x)
Hoax (3x)
Hurt (3x)
Helm (3x)
Hand for Segovia (3x)
Huge (3x)
Had a conniption fit (3x)
Haggling point (3x)
Heraldic animal (3x)
Heat (3x)
Heard boy is star (3x)
Headlong plunge (3x)
HuffPost owner (3x)
Headphones (3x)
Heron (3x)
Handle somehow (3x)
Hide out for a bit (3x)
Hunt (3x)
Hoarse (3x)
Homely forename (3x)
Hemp (3x)
Hold on to (3x)
How wonderful! (3x)
Haitian-owned island (3x)
Handwoven Iranian rug (3x)
Hypothetical start (3x)
Having serrated edges (3x)
Hotmail company (3x)
He commits grave crimes (3x)
Hog (3x)
Heyday (3x)
Haul (3x)
He married Demi (3x)
Happen (3x)
Hack (3x)
Hall-of-famer banks (3x)
He was alone for a while (3x)
Honolulu farewell (3x)
Hurriedly (3x)
High-and-mighty sort (3x)
Hut (3x)
Hurl (3x)
Having many aspects (3x)
High-school subj (3x)
Herbal medicine (3x)
Humiliate (3x)
Hell (3x)
Hail (3x)
Harsh (3x)
Heaven (3x)
Historical events (3x)
Harp: Ital (3x)
Hollywood handouts (3x)
Heading (3x)
Home of the sphinx (3x)
Hammer (3x)
Hill (3x)
Hard to believe (3x)
Hobby (3x)
Hasp attachment (3x)
Hyson, Bohea, etc (3x)
Hutch (3x)
Hard work (3x)
Hip hop collective (3x)
Hitch actress Mendes (3x)
Hesitant sounds (3x)
Headgear (3x)
Home office convenience (3x)
Harley outings (3x)
Hairdo for Jimi Hendrix (3x)
Hoodwinks (3x)
Humiliation (3x)
Heavenly backer (3x)
Heavy metal (3x)
Heap (3x)
Hostility (3x)
Hardware store buys (3x)
Hubbard of Scientology (3x)
Helix (3x)
Horse racing site (3x)
High-schoolers, usually (3x)