Melanoma (Crossword clue)

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We found one answer for “Melanoma” .

This page shows answers to the clue Melanoma, followed by ten definitions like “A rare type of fast-spreading skin cancer”, “Development of dark-pigmented tumors” and “A malignant neoplasm arising from melanocytes”.

Definitions of “Melanoma”
If the answer you seek is not in the answers above these definitions may help solving your crossword puzzle.

• A malignant neoplasm arising from melanocytes
• A tumour consisting of darkly pigmented cells
• A skin tumour composed of cells called melanocytes
• (malignant melanoma) A particular type of skin cancer
• A (usually) malignant tumor of pigmented skin cells
• Pigmented mole or tumor, which may or may not be cancerous
• A cancer of the pigment-forming cells of the skin or the retina of the eye
• A tumour arising from the melanocytic system of the skin and other organs
• Our Melanoma Main Article provides a comprehensive look at the who
• Life-threatening form of skin cancer that usually develops in an existing mole
A further 17 definitions can be found on Encyclo

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